Be Open About Animal Research Day 2023

The European Animal Research Association will be running its annual 24-hour global social media initiative to promote greater openness in animal research and teaching on Thursday June 15 this year.

Known as “Be Open about Animal Research Day 2023” (#BOARD23), the initiative is designed for institutions and individuals in any country where there are discussions about openness in the use of animals in biomedical research.

Each institution or individual can decide what activity they would like to carry out based on their resources and approach. Suggestions include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Having your logo displayed in the list of institutions supporting the initiative.
  • Being a guest in a Q&A video answering questions about how you/your institution communicate about the use of animals in research.
  • Providing a quote highlighting the importance of communications about the use of animals in research.

Further information and ideas are available at EARA


Tagged in #BOARD23