Resources and Helpful Links
Useful resources relating to animal care and ethics.
Information for teachers and school students is also available on the ANZCCART website.
Resources relating to the 3Rs
- Three R Resources, including a downloadable slide deck describing the development and use of the Three R concept:
- The Three Rs and the Humanity Criterion, Edited by Balls, Michael. The original book was written by Russell, W.M.S. and Burch, R.L. Free download available.
Resources relating to animal care & housing
- Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals, (Robert J Young) 2003, ISBN 0 632 06407 2.UFAW/Blackwell Publishing
- Physiology and Behaviour of Animal Suffering, (Neville G Gregory) 1994 ISBN 0 632 06468 4. UFAW/Blackwell Publishing
Resources for Australian Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) members
- Information package for Australian Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) Members
A downloadable slide deck describing the development and use of the Three R concept:
Resources for researchers & university students
Culture of Care, Norecopa
The term Culture of Care is used in the laboratory animal community to indicate a commitment to improving animal welfare, scientific quality, care of the staff and transparency for the stakeholders. This section explains what is meant by a Culture of Care, and why it is important. -
The PREPARE guidelines and checklist for planning animal experiments:
The NORINA database of alternatives and supplements to animal use in education and training:
- Useful Information about Experimental Design
The aim of this web site is to help you to reduce the numbers of animals used in research by better choice of animals and better experimental design. - Animal Experimentation: A Student Guide to Balancing the Issues (V Monamy) 1996. ISBN 0 9586821 0 0. ANZCCART Australia
- 8th edition of the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes
Following extensive public consultation and review by a national working party made up of industry, government and animal welfare representatives, in 2013 the NHMRC released the 8th edition of the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes (The Code). - From Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse: Alternative Methods for a Humane Education (2nd ed.)
InterNICHE book. The ground breaking publication is now available for free download as a pdf document. First published in 2003, with minor updates made in February 2006, the 520-page book provides full details of over 500 alternatives, including description, specification and source. It also offers background information on the diversity of alternative tools and approaches, a review of published studies that assess alternatives through learning performance, and an exploration of curricular design. Seven case studies written by university heads of department who have fully replaced harmful animal use describe the experience of developing and implementing best practice teaching methods. The book also provides links to over 600 further resources. - Australian Ethical Guidelines for Students in Laboratory Classes Using Animals or Animal Tissues
Browse the categories below to find links to relative information.
- Alternatives to the use of animals in research
- Animal ethics & welfare centres
- Animal welfare & animal rights groups
- Environmental enrichment
- Guidelines, Australian Government policies & regulatory information
- Housing & care of laboratory animals
- Humane research
- Information about animal ethics in schools & information for school children
- Recognition & alleviation of pain in animals
- Scientific & research organisations
- Statistics on animal use in research & teaching
- Wildlife health