Independent External Reviews

Independent external reviews

Section 6 of The Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes requires institutions to conduct an independent external review (IER) at least every four years to assess their compliance with the Code.

The Code requires that the IER must be conducted by a panel comprised of people who are independent of the institution and who have appropriate qualifications and/or experience. Institutions must also consider publishing a summary of the IER report and providing a summary to the relevant regulatory authority and funding bodies.

An inability to demonstrate that an IER has been conducted in accordance with the Code might carry reputational risks, and since the Code is incorporated into state and territory regulatory frameworks, penalties or prosecutions may result from non-compliance.

Further information about IERs is available on jurisdictional websites.

Contact list of potential IER panel members

Engaging members of a panel is a substantial undertaking that requires planning and budgeting well before the due date, and must ensure prospective panel members have the skills, experience, awareness of the local regulatory framework and capability to perform the IER in a manner that aligns with the organisation's compliance management strategy.

To assist institutions preparing for an IER, ANZCCART maintains a contact list of service providers with experience relevant to serving on an IER panel.

The contact list is unofficial. Its purpose is simply to assist institutions connect with parties who they feel might be suitable to participate on their IER panel.

ANZCCART offers the contact list as a free service in the interests of supporting compliance with the Code. It receives no remuneration or other benefits from providing this service.

Important notes:

  1. The contact list is not endorsed by any regulatory authority and inclusion on the list does not imply endorsement by ANZCCART or any other party.
  2. Information on the contact list will be limited to:
  • A contact name and email address.
  • URL and business name (if applicable).
  • Location.
  • An outline of relevant skills and experience (limited to 100 words). Names of referees, previous clients or other identifiable third parties are not permitted on the list.
  • Any constraints stated by the party (e.g. limits on timing or availability for travel).
  1. ANZCCART will not provide an opinion regarding any parties on the list and will not assist with any arrangements relating to the selection of IER panel members.
  2. ANZCCART accepts no responsibility for any outcomes arising from use of the list.

Criteria and standards

Parties named on the contact list are expected to:

  • Have had extensive experience in a senior role relating to compliance and/or implementation of the Code and will usually have served on or worked closely with an IER panel.
  • Operate with high professional standards (including documented protocols for declaration of interests, data security and confidentiality), efficient business processes and appropriate insurance coverage.

As required by Code clause 6.5, parties on the list are also expected to be able to:

  • Define the manner in which the IER would be conducted in consultation with the institution and in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
  • Document the findings and recommendations from the IER in a report to the governing body of the institution.

Operation of the contact list

The contact list will be supplied to authorised officers of research institutions upon submitting a request to

The list is supplied on the understanding that it will be treated as confidential and will only be shared with relevant parties within the research institution.

ANZCCART will review the contact list approximately once a year.